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PSI to provide load and charging management system to German carrier NIAG

German carrier NIAG (Niederrheinische Verkehrsbetriebe), active in the Duisburg region (Lower Rhine), has commissioned PSI with the delivery of a load and charging management system with integrated vehicle dispatching. The system will be implemented at the depot in Moers, PSI says. NIAG carries some...


Volvo Buses signs partnership with Optibus and Stoneridge

Optibus and Stoneridge have been chosen by Volvo Buses as new partners in the contexts of connected services and digital solutions. Volvo’s aim is “The aim is “to make Optibus’ public transport management software and Stoneridge’s data and artificial intelligence fuel advice soluti...

PSI to provide smart charging system to ÜSTRA’s e-bus fleet in Hannover

Hannover’s public transport operator ÜSTRA has commissioned PSI Transcom with the delivery of smart charging load and charging management system. The same provider is also in charge of BVG Berlin charging management technology and active in Munich. ÜSTRA has goal of operating entirely emission...

RATP tests passenger information via virtual avatar in Brest (France)

RATP is testing a “virtual avatar” in the French city of Brest for passenger information on the Bibus network. A virtual avatar is indeed on hand in Brest to provide passengers with information about their journey in a innovative way. Bibus and RATP Dev are adding this new technology to ...
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