In the last two years GTT has purchased 191 vehicles, 144 of which for urban and suburban service, and has renewed about 20% of the bus fleet. Thanks to the replacement of older vehicles, the average age of the GTT fleet is less than 11 years (which is a good figure compared to the Italian average age of 12 years). The investments on buses join those on trams (with 30 new vehicles expected by 2021).
100 e-buses up for grabs in Turin. Two bids: Yutong and BYD
Yutong and BYD are the two contenders at the tender for 100 battery-electric buses issued in early 2020 by Turin public transport company GTT. BYD e-buses are already in the city, while the participation of Yutong is a novelty for the Italian market. On the other hand, it’s no mystery that the Zhengzhou-based manufacturer is […]

Yutong and BYD are the two contenders at the tender for 100 battery-electric buses issued in early 2020 by Turin public transport company GTT. BYD e-buses are already in the city, while the participation of Yutong is a novelty for the Italian market.
On the other hand, it’s no mystery that the Zhengzhou-based manufacturer is heavily targeting the European market: at Busworld 2019 in Brussels the group showcased an electric bus specially dedicated to European market. Named Yutong U12, it’s a 12 meter bus outcome of a intense work on the design. Series production of this model is intended to begin this year.
The first supply is scheduled for early 2021.

A first supply for 50 vehicles
The framework agreement provides for the initial supply of 50 new buses. The goal is to receive the first vehicles between the end of 2020 and the first months of 2021.
The total value of the framework agreement is 72 million euros. 48 million for the buses, 11 million for the 10-years full service. Further 13 million euros are allocated for the replacement of batteries, at the cost of 130,000 euros for each unit. Battery lifespan should be no less than 400,000 km, corresponding to 8 years considering an average distance of 50,000 km/year.
Now “the tender commission – GTT highlights – will examine during the next week the content of the bids, with the goal to proceed at the awarding of the contract in about a month. The tender is divided into two application contracts, each of 50 vehicles”.