Ebusco has received a fixed order of 25 Ebusco 2.2 buses via the Deutsche Bahn framework agreement. They’ll go to Speyer, south of Mannheim. With this order, the buses ordered through the framework agreement total to 140 Ebusco buses.

The framework agreement between Ebusco and Deutsche Bahn was originally signed in April 2022 and extended during Busworld in October 2023. With this agreement, Ebusco is the primary supplier to Deutsche Bahn for its 12- and 18-metre electric buses until the end of 2026.

Ebusco to provide buses in Spreyer

The Dutch company is facing a though time on the stock exchange, as a result of its difficulties in manufacturing and delivering vehicles (that lead to a change of strategy with 3.0 models now assembled in China): its shares have today a value of 1.5 €, and witnessed a -82% decrease in the last 12 months. The loss compared to the time when the company went public (October 2021) is -93%, as Ebusco’s shares value at that time was around 23 euros. Lately Ebusco has appointed a co-CEO.

These 25 buses represent the largest order under the DB framework so far and mark the beginning of Speyer’s complete fleet electrification, Ebusco points out. The 12-metre low-floor buses will each be equipped with a battery pack exceeding 400 kWh.

95% of the Ebusco buses ordered through the framework are Ebusco 2.2 buses.

Peter Bijvelds, Co-CEO & Founder of Ebusco comments: “For over two years we have been a proud supplier of electric buses for Deutsche Bahn. We are extremely grateful for the trust shown by Deutsche Bahn, and are excited to continue the long-standing partnership that we share. The Ebusco 2.2 buses have proven to be excellent buses, show good Total Cost of Ownership performance, and are therefore perfectly suited for city and intercity transportation. We are grateful to Deutsche Bahn, and look forward to supplying even more electric buses in the coming two years.


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