Fighting pollution: one thousand electric buses on the streets of Jakarta by the end of 2023
Over ten million inhabitants and, soon, one thousand electric buses: one for every ten thousand citizens. This is the plan to fight pollution in Indonesia’s capital, Jakarta,, which – as is well known – has very high concentrations of fine particulate matter and low air quality. As told by BusworldBUSiness, the local public transport company, […]

Over ten million inhabitants and, soon, one thousand electric buses: one for every ten thousand citizens. This is the plan to fight pollution in Indonesia’s capital, Jakarta,, which – as is well known – has very high concentrations of fine particulate matter and low air quality.
As told by BusworldBUSiness, the local public transport company, TransJakarta, through its public relations manager, Iwan Samariansyah, stated that the company plans to run 1,000 electric buses in 2023 to combat one of the city’s crucial problems: «The goal is to run 1,000 units of buses by next year and, in 2025, to increase the number to 3,000 units of electric buses. It is an ambitious goal, but we are optimistic».
One thousand e-buses is quite a challenge, especially considering the fact that there are only thirty zero-emission vehicles today; they will become one hundred by the end of this year, an achievement Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan is aiming for in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 50 per cent by 2030, when all buses in the capital should become electric vehicles.