MAN and ABB E-mobility announced an exclusive cooperation mainly focused on megawatt charging systems for electric trucks, although the agreement generally deals with technical cooperation between the two companies and is aimed to involve also long-distance passenger transport.

The cooperation is initially scheduled to run for three years and is not just limited to logistics. ABB E-mobility has recently signed a similar agreement with another brand within the TRATON Group, Scania.

On the same topic, MAN Truck & Bus had previously joined the NEFTON research project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection and aimed at analyzing the system consisting of a fully electric truck, charging station and grid connection and design it for various applications in long-distance transport.

MAN and ABB joining together for megawatt charging

The basis for megawatt charging is Ethernet communication, which is being used for the first time in electromobility. Early software and interoperability tests with vehicles and charging stations should help to establish reliable products as quickly as possible in an emerging market environment.

High charging performance, reliable technology and customer confidence – these are the prerequisites for the success of electromobility in heavy goods and long-distance passenger transport. By working together with MAN right from the early product phase, we can respond even better to the needs of our customers. By 2025, we want to bring a product to the market that meets the requirements of logistics,” added Floris van de Klashorst, Senior Vice President Products & Hardware Platforms at ABB E-mobility.

“Cooperation in the area of research and development is rather rare in our industry. Together with ABB E-mobility, we are striving for a trusting, binding and transparent partnership. We are already starting with the development of products and standards and are focusing on the special requirements of the commercial vehicle industry”, said Thomas Nickels, Senior Vice President Engineering at MAN.

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