e-troFit plans 8,000 buses to be converted to electric drives until 2030
After the successful launch of the world’s first retrofitting series model in September 2020, the German company e-troFit presents a short-term market outlook and talks about the upcoming milestones of their product portfolio: “In accordance with our corporate strategy for 2030 we focus on the development and availability of our retrofitting kits for the most […]

After the successful launch of the world’s first retrofitting series model in September 2020, the German company e-troFit presents a short-term market outlook and talks about the upcoming milestones of their product portfolio: “In accordance with our corporate strategy for 2030 we focus on the development and availability of our retrofitting kits for the most popular models in Europe”, explains Robert Reisenauer, Chief Sales Officer of e-troFit GmbH. The company is working on Mercedes Citaro models, and as of December 2021 also MAN will be also part of the ‘family’.

e-troFit, the roadmap for conversion to electric drives
e-troFit makes clear that the development of an electrification solution ready for production for the Mercedes-Benz Citaro C1 628045 is completed. It is slightly older model, which is still widely spread in Europe with about 1,000 vehicles, especially in Southeast European areas. As of July 2021, the electrified version of the Mercedes-Benz Citaro C1 Facelift 628083 will be available. A total of about 7,500 vehicles of this model are in transit on Europe’s roads. The Mercedes-Benz Citaro C2 is the vehicle with the highest potential for transportation companies and fleet operators in the DACH region, e-troFit highlights. As of October 2021, the serial retrofit kits for the C2 628033, and as of April 2022 the version for C2 628035 will be available.