3,000 electric buses are reportedly set to be deployed in Azerbaijan, according to local media ABC.AZ and as covered by trade agency electrive.com, whose article quotes Fariz Aliyev, the head of the Transport Policy Department of the Ministry of Digital Development & Transport of Azerbaijan. A first e-bus was delivered in capital city Baku in 2023.

Electric buses in the future of Azerbaijan

According to his statements, “all buses in Baku and Absheron will be replaced with electric buses in the long-term prospect, and those removed from the line will be sent to the regions and eventually also replaced”.

Aliyev, still according to ABC.AZ, “added that Chinese company BYD plans to initially invest $34 million in production of buses with electric motors at the plant to be constructed in the Sumgayit Chemical Industrial Park. Taking into account domestic demand and export opportunities, annual production is expected to reach 500 buses. It is planned to create 800 new jobs within the project”.

However, BYD’s plan to establish production in the Caucasian country have been circulating since April 2024. The facility should be operational from 2025, leveraging on the partnership with local company Electrify Azerbaijan LLC.


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