There are more and more electric buses in Italy. From January 1 to November 30 as many as 755 e-buses were registered, compared to 393 in the same period last year, for a growth of 92.1 percent, according to data from Anfia (National Association of the Automotive Industry Supply Chain).

And considering that a total of 5,700 buses were registered in these eleven months, the market share of battery-powered buses is 13,25 percent. In short, more than 13 out of every 100 buses are electric. And considering city buses, out of 2,028 Class I buses, there are 674 e-buses, or 33,2 percent.

The top seller in Italy is Solaris, which placed 157 BEV for a market share of 20,8 percent. The Polish manufacturer’s e-buses are 62 more than in the same months of 2023.
Second place for Iveco Bus, which stands at 126 (16.7 percent), while in the same period last year there were 31.

Boom for Karsan, which exceeds 100: 111 e-buses from the Turkish Oem (14.7 percent). Daimler Buses also did well, with 61 electric Mercedes-Benz (8.1 percent). China’s BYD is down with 50 (down from 87 in 2023), while Yutong.are bucking the trend, with 53. Instead, 48 MAN Lion’s City E’s are registered in Italy (only 1 in all of 2023). Italian Rampini grows with 43 and Menarini with 21.

At 12 units Otokar, at 7 Foton, at 6 Tecnobus, at 5 Yaxing Cizaris, at 4 Isuzu, at 3 King Long and TAM Europe, at 1 Higer, Vdl and Suzhou Eagle.


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