by Jean-Philippe Pastre, Mobilités Magazine

Last Friday, April 3rd, has been published on the JORF (Journal Officiel de la République Française) the decree signed on March 12th 2020 defining the conditions for the conversion of ICE vehicles to electric powered ones.

The possibility of retrofit includes buses and coaches. In facts, any workshop working accordingly with the rules established by the French Departement of Transport (Ministère de la transition écologique et solidaire), the CNRV homologation office, and the French certification institute UTAC-CERAM, allows the owner to change the vehicule status toward the zero emission (registration code: EL).

This allows the use of the converted vehicle in restricted areas (the French ZFE) as they also use the Crit’Air Electric identification. The French association AIRe, a federation of driveline suppliers promoting and working on the retrofit field, welcomed this text which means that they have now a legal status.

This retrofit might be open to all vehicles with thermal engines up to 5 years old. In France, for the bus sector, the Safra company established in Albi, is clearly interested. Safra, before building his own Businova bus range, was known in France as a specialist for retrofitting… tramways and metros.

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