Starting in 2026, in Israel all new buses for public transport must be zero emissions. Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection has set mandatory targets for public transportation operators in the country. The goal is to have only zero emission buses in municipal public transportation by 2036.

In November 2021, largest Israeli e-bus tender so far was awarded to BYD.

Israel: only zero emission new buses in 2026

Intermediate steps in the targets outlined by the government will be the following: by 2024 at least 30% of the buses purchased will be zero-emission. In 2024 the share will grow to at least 50%. In 2026 and onwards a 100% share for zero emission buses is mandatory. It should be mentioned that the EU Clean Vehicle Directive set the target of 22.5% of zero emission buses from 2021 to 2026, and 45% from 2026 onwards.

In Israel, at present, diesel-powered buses account for less than 1% of the total number of vehicles in Israel, but emit about 16% of the total nitrogen oxides and about 7% of the total soot particles of all vehicles, the country’s government says in a press note. In contrast, an electric bus results in a 60% -80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, triples noise nuisance and does not emit pollution at all in city centers.

Minister of Environmental Protection Tamar Zandberg: “As part of our vision to reduce air pollution in the State of Israel and deal with the climate crisis, I and my colleague the Minister of Transport passed a government decision requiring a 100% purchase of zero-emission buses in 2026.

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