The number of electric buses registered in Italy continues to grow. From 1 January to 30 September 2024 (considering then the first three quarters of the year), 499 battery-powered buses were registered, compared to 294 in the same period last year: +205 units, or +70%. The figures are reported on Italian trade magazine Autobusweb.

And considering that 4,839 new vehicles were registered in the first nine months of the year, the share of electric vehicles is around 10%. In short, one in ten new buses and coaches is electric. Focusing on city buses, electric vehicles cover 28% of the total.

What about electric midibuses? 118 units registered from January to September: Karsan leads the way with 73, followed by Rampini at 37.

Iveco Bus, Solaris, Karsan leading the chart

Back to normal buses (above 8 ton), the market leader, both in e-mobility and in the general market, is Iveco Bus, which registered as many as 111 e-buses (vs just 14 in 2023), equal to a growth of 693 per cent.

electric buses italy 2024

The silver medal went to Solaris, which grew by 43.5 per cent: from 64 e-buses last year to 89. Third position for Karsan, which had 81 e-buses registered compared to 18 in the same period last year (+350%).

Italian OEM Rampini also did well, with 37 registrations, 34 of the 8-metre Eltron model and 3 of the Sixtron minibus: +27.6%.

Fifth place for MAN: the Bavarian lion registered 36 e-buses (it was zero last year). Daimler Buses grew by 200%, thanks to the registration of 21 eCitaro. 19 e-buses carry BYD‘s brand and 17 are by Industria Italiana Autobus.

Then another Chinese OEM such as Yutong (13 vs 14 in 2023).

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