Keolis has been awarded two contract extensions in Northern Europe featuring the integration of new electric buses. 

Being more specific, the Dutch public transport authority Province of Utrecht has awarded Keolis a two-year contract extension to operate and maintain its bus network in the Utrecht area until December 2025. The contract will start in December 2023 and features the addition of seven new electric buses

Danish PTA Movia has also awarded the French company a four-year contract extension to operate and maintain one line of its network in the Copenhagen area until 2026. Awarded in October 2022, the contract features the commissioning of 17 electric buses to an existing fleet of 28 buses. 

In 2021, more than 4,000 alternative energy buses were operated globally including a 28%-increase in electric buses vs 2020, Keolis says.

Keolis deploying electric buses in Netherlands and Denmark

Present in the Netherlands since 1999, Keolis is deepening its presence in the country. In October 2022, the Province of Utrecht PTA awarded Keolis a two-year contract extension to operate and maintain the Utrecht area bus network. 

In the meanwhile, remaining in the Netherlands, Keolis is phasing out from IJssel-Vecht concession, where EBS is stepping in by December 2022. Keolis is currently operating an emergency concession after the provinces withdrew the concession from the company following ‘rigged’ orders for 259 BYD buses (from those buses, by the way, some issues rose).

In parallel, Movia, the PTA in East Denmark, granted a new contract for a four-year period to operate and maintain one of the lines of the Copenhagen area bus network, including the addition of seventeen new electric buses. Keolis has been present in Denmark since 2007 employing more than 1.800 people and operating 550 buses. Accelerating the energy transition is a priority for Keolis in pursuit of the PTA’s ambition to deliver a better quality of life for everyone. 

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