Keolis is changing its corporate governance “strengthening the diversity of profiles, in particular with two external recruitments, and the balance between operational and functional staff for its French and International activities”, the group points out. Laurence Broseta and Jan Kilström appointed CEO International and CEO Continental Europe

These changes will come into effect early September.

Under the leadership of Marie-Ange Debon, Group Chief Executive Officer, the Keolis Group Executive Committee is now structured around four operational CEOs and four cross-functional directors, five women and three men – which reprensent an Executive Committee mainly composed of women

Laurence Broseta and Jan Kilström at the helm

Laurence Broseta, previously Chief Executive Officer of the international division of the UGI Group, joins Keolis as Chief Executive Officer, International with accountabilities for Australia, North America, the UK/Middle-East/India and China. She becomes a member of the Group Executive Committee. Broseta has been in the past Managing Director France for Transdev. From 2016 until 2019, she covered the position of International Director of Transdev in charge of Southern and Northern Europe, Asia, Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. 


Jan Kilström, previously Managing Director of Keolis Sweden, is appointed Chief Executive Officer, Continental Europe with accountability for Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden. He becomes a member of the Group Executive Committee. 

What about governance of operations in France?

The governance of operations in France is also adjusted with accountabilities assigned as follows: Annelise Avril is appointed Chief Executive Officer, France, Major Urban Networks with accountability for the major networks of Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon and Rennes, the Greater Urban Networks and the Hove & Cykleo activities. She was previously Group Director of Marketing, Innovation and New Mobilities. She remains member of the Group Executive Committee in her new role. Clément Michel is appointed Chief Executive Officer, France, Paris-Ile-de-France and Territories. He is also accountable for the Keolis Santé and Kisio Services & Conseil activities. He was previously Group Director of Human Resources and Transformation. He remains a member of the Group Executive Committee in his new role. 

Lydie Jallier joins Keolis as Group Human Resources Director, replacing Clément Michel. She becomes a member of the Group Executive Committee. 

Accountability for Health & Safety, Security and the Keolis Way group transformation program are assigned to Pierre GossetGroup Director of the Industrial Division and a member of the Group Executive Committee, in addition to his existing responsibilities. 

The accountabilities of Group Executive Committee members Christelle VilladaryGroup Finance and Legal Director, and Sophie DurandGroup Communications Director, remain unchanged. 

Accountabilities for Marketing, Innovation, New Mobilities, Sustainable Development and Engagement will be assigned following a forthcoming appointment. 

Frédéric Baverez, Chief Executive Officer France and Chairman of EFFIA and Arnaud Van Troeyen, Group Deputy International Director, decided to take a new step in their careers and are pursuing new opportunities outside the group, Keolis says.

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