53 electric buses tendered in Cologne (Germany) by KVB

KVB, the public transport company of Cologne, Germany, has issued a tender for 53 low floor electric buses. The delivery of the vehicles is set for 2020 – 2021 (more precisely: 13 vehicles in 2020, the remaining 40 in 2021). The tender (a negotiated procedure with prior call for competition) c...

BYD France delivers the two first ebuses realized in the new plant

The new BYD factory in France has produced the first electric buses. The plant is in Beauvais, in north France. These two first zero emission vehicles will be deployed in Agglo du Beauvaisis by Transdev. A ceremony has been held to mark the event. BYD plant in France is focused on the production of ...

Ekoenergetyka wins 62 charging stations for electric buses in Paris

RATP‘s charging infrastructures in Paris will be provided by the Polish consortium Ekoenergetyka-Polska and El-Cab. The companies won a tender for delivering at least 62 charging stations for electric buses to RATP (Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens). The agreement is in force for two co...
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