Euro 7 for heavy-duty vehicles postponed to 2031

Entry into force of Euro 7 regulation for heavy vehicles has been postponed to 2031. The implementation of the stricter exhaust emission regulations for road vehicles has been approved with 329 yes votes, 230 votes against and 41 abstentions. Cars will wait two years, compared to the original text, ...

Optibus Driver app, improving communication between drivers and depot

T. S. T. Transportes Sul do Tejo (TST), a public transportation operator in the Lisbon metropolitan area, has introduced the Optibus Driver App, a communication and management tool between driver and depot designed to simplify interaction, increase transparency, and improve employee satisfaction. Pr...

Volvo to acquire battery business from Proterra

The voluntary bankruptcy proceedings of Proterra Inc. and Proterra Operating Company Inc are underway: in this context, Volvo Group has been selected as the highest bidder in an auction for the business and assets of the Proterra Powered unit, at a purchase price of $210 million. The transaction bet...

Pepper motion changes business model. And lands in India

Business change for pepper motion, which henceforth becomes a technology provider for zero-emission vehicle manufacturers or retrofitters. As a result of this consequential decision, pepper will focus on its core area of expertise, the development and marketing of its modular drive system for the ec...
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