Public transport exhibitions 2023 in Europe: waiting for UITP Summit and Busworld in Brussels
Public transport exhibitions 2023, we’re off! A 2022 punctuated by predominantly national fairs (with the exception of IAA and InnoTrans) has given way to a 2023 that sees two highly respectable events firmly set on the calendar. In June, the UITP Global Public Transport Summit 2023 will take place in Barcelona. In October there is […]

Public transport exhibitions 2023, we’re off! A 2022 punctuated by predominantly national fairs (with the exception of IAA and InnoTrans) has given way to a 2023 that sees two highly respectable events firmly set on the calendar.
In June, the UITP Global Public Transport Summit 2023 will take place in Barcelona. In October there is Busworld Europe in Brussels, which this year will host the Zero Emission Bus Conference under its umbrella (with Sustainable Bus involved in the Advisory Board).
The two events will see our media in the front row. At the UITP Summit and Busworld Sustainable Bus will be present as exhibitor.
But our editorial staff has also been visiting Busworld North America in Detroit, and will attend the German ElekBu trade fair, organized by VDV and taking place in Berlin at the end of March.
Sustainable Bus magazine, which will be published in three issues (January – May – September) will be distributed at all these events.

Public transport exhibitions 2023, UITP Summit in Barcelona
This year’s edition of the UITP Global Public Transport Summit will be held in Barcelona, Spain, from 4 to 7 June 2023. It is the leading event in the public transport sector, attracting participants from all over the world. The UITP Global Public Transport Summit is the largest event dedicated to sustainable mobility, bringing together all modes of transport, industry authorities and operators, as well as exhibitors. In 2019 it was held in Stockholm, in 2025 and 2027 it’ll be in Hamburg.
By the end of 2022, 80 per cent of the exhibition spaces were booked. In the words of UITP Secretary General Mohamed Mezghani, “we have developed a focus built around two pillars – Cities and People. And from that, we are defining the tracks underneath those pillars that will present individual focus and topics. We know that public transport defines our cities, and we also know that is should always be for the people who work in it, and who use it“
The theme ‘Bright Light of the City‘ will encompass a wide range of thematic sessions and networking opportunities in Barcelona.
The event is set to host 2,500 participants, 380 exhibitors and 15,000 visitors in a 40,000 m² exhibition space. 300 speakers and 100 press/media representatives complete the picture.

October: Busworld 2023 in Brussels
Busworld Europe, the largest international trade platform for the bus and coach industry, takes place every two years. Originally scheduled for 2021, the 50th edition was postponed due to health and safety concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The appointment is therefore at Brussels Expo from 7 to 12 October 2023.
Busworld 2023 promises to welcome over 500 exhibitors and 40,000 visitors from more than 130 countries. The wide variety of products on display includes vehicles, bodies and interiors, components, electronics and IT systems, as well as maintenance service providers.
Here are some figures for Busworld 2019 edition: 39,798 visitors from 143 countries, 511 exhibitors, 309 vehicles on display, 154 speakers.
Zero Emission Bus Conference makes its debut at Busworld
Operators, policy makers, manufacturers and industry players from around the world will meet to discuss around decarbonisation of the bus and coach industry. The Zero Emission Bus Conference 2023 will take place over four half days, from 9 to 12 October 2023, and will include visits to the Busworld Europe exhibition and networking opportunities.