Sustainable Bus Awards 2023 to be delivered at Next Mobility Exhibition. Check out the finalists’ list!
The first edition of Next Mobility Exhibition (NME) will host the awarding of the Sustainable Bus Awards 2023. They’ll be delivered during a live ceremony on 13 October 2022. The exhibition will be held between 12 and 14 October in Milano Fiera: it’ll be the kickoff of a brand new format, with biennial appointment, dedicated […]

The first edition of Next Mobility Exhibition (NME) will host the awarding of the Sustainable Bus Awards 2023. They’ll be delivered during a live ceremony on 13 October 2022.
The exhibition will be held between 12 and 14 October in Milano Fiera: it’ll be the kickoff of a brand new format, with biennial appointment, dedicated to the mobility of the future. A great fit for an award addressed to the most innovative and sustainable buses and coaches launched on the European market.
The finalists shortlist is ready and has just ben released by the prize’s organization and jury:
- Sustainable Bus Award Urban: Karsan e-ATA 12, Solaris Urbino 9 LE Electric, Mercedes eCitaro G, Volvo 7900 Electric Articulated
- Sustainable Bus Award Intercity: MAN Lion’s Intercity LE, Irizar i4 CNG, Scania Interlink CNG, Iveco Crossway LE Hybrid
- Sustainable Bus Award Coach: Irizar i6S Efficient, Yutong T12E, Neoplan Cityliner, Volvo 9700
Sustainable Bus Award at Next Mobility Exhibition
This year the fifth edition of the Sustainable Bus Awards will be delivered. And the ceremony
scheduled for October in Milano Fiera means also a warmly welcomed comeback in person for
a prize that last year was delivered during an online ceremony with contribution from Busworld
and UITP.
The awarding will take place after the conference “E-buses, the best practices. Charging
strategies, planning, operations”, that will see the participation of the most important
European public transport companies.
Sustainable Bus Awards: three winners each year
The three winners of the Sustainable Bus Awards 2023 (one for each category) will be chosen
among the finalists’ group. These were voted by the jury out of a first selection of 84 buses and
coaches. Each juror, indeed, submitted its candidates, and the vehicles that achieved more
nominations were included in the finalists list.
Now the jurors will proceed with the second step, carrying out a detailed evaluation of the shortlisted vehicles according to SBY criteria. The criteria are split in the following areas: Engine, Transmission, Safety, Comfort, Sustainability.
«It is a terrific honour for Next Mobility Exhibition – NME and Fiera Milano to host the Sustainable Bus Awards 2023 – comments Emanuele Guido, Strategic Marketing Director, Fiera Milano -. Our exhibition aims exactly at presenting the latest innovations coming up from the market in order to enhance and support the sustainable approach in the mobility transition. With all our exhibitors representing all the different matters related to the public transport sector, we continuously look at the immediate opportunities and challenges that are required by a holistic approach to the future of the sustainable mobility: from the bus manufacturers to the ITS and MaaS developers, from the energy transition to the new business model of public transport companies. That’s why we have the pleasure to invite all the network of Sustainable Bus Awards to actively join our exhibition in visiting, exhibiting and discussing all these relevant and important topics».
The jury of the Sustainable Bus Award represents eight European countries, each of one is embodied by a leading sector-related magazine. Namely: Mobilités Magazine (France), Busfahrt (Germany), AUTOBUS (Italy), Infotrucker (Romania), Carril Bus (Spain), Revija Tranzit (Slovenia), Bus and coach professional (UK).