After debuting in the UK in 2021, Scania and Higer have decided to bring the Fencer to continental Europe as well. We picked up the news at IAA Transportation in Hannover, where the bus model was not physically present at the show.

The news is the decision to market the range in Germany and Austria, while it has not yet been decided whether the model will enter the market in France and Poland.

The one between the Swedes of Scania and the Chinese of Higer is a collaboration that started several years ago: with Gryphon supplying the chassis and Higer the bodywork. And now the Swedish manufacturer, due to the company’s decision to cease production in Poland-following the strategy of reorganizing the bus&coach business, is moving to find partners to develop projects for the I-Class: in Spain, for example, the collaboration with Castrosua, which has given birth to an electric urban, continues. All this without forgetting the historic partnership with Irizar.

From what we were told in Hanover, the Fencer range will include Low Entry, Low Floor, and self-united versions, with all types of traction, diesel, gas, and full electric (but not yet hydrogen/fuel cell)


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