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Test-driving the Mercedes eCitaro G fuel cell

When it comes to electric vehicles, one of the key issues is range, which is the biggest point of vulnerability to date. For a 18m articulated vehicle that can weigh up to 30 tonnes and carry almost 130 passengers, the demand for power becomes quite significant and mileage is essential for being abl...


daimler truck

Daimler Buses achieved increasing revenue and sales in half 2024

Daimler Truck reported a strong performance in the bus segment despite a complex market situation in the first half of the year. During that period, 12,252 buses were sold (+4% on half 2023) and revenue at Daimler Buses increased 27% (from 1.9 billion to 2.4). Adjusted EBIT rose from 42 to 174 billi...

Daimler Truck BEV sales rose 69% in Q2 2024

During the Q2 2024, Daimler Buses increased its bus and coach sales by 8% to 6,648 units, compared to 6,181 in the same period last year. There was also a boom in battery electric vehicles (both trucks and buses), sales of which rose by 69% to 648 units (383 in Q2 2023). In the whole […]

Daimler Buses led sales growth of Daimler Truck in Q2 2023: +22%

Daimler Buses has been leading the sales growth of Daimler Truck in Q2 2023. All segments of the group are experiencing positive developments, but the bus business is witnessing a particularly strong growth: +22% on Q2 2022. These developments result in an increased Group revenue guidance between €5...
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