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Tim Dahlmann-Resing elected VDV Vice President

Tim Dahlmann-Resing elected VDV Vice President (as well as chairman of the TRAM Board of Directors) VDV Executive Committee member Tim Dahlmann-Resing is board member of VAG Verkehrs-Aktiengesellschaft Nürnberg and long-time chairman of the General Committee for Planning. Tim Dahlmann-Resing succeed...

VDV e-bus sound installed on a bus for the first time

At the VDV electric bus conference and trade fair ElekBu, the e-bus sound launched by the VDV, which is to be heard uniformly on German roads in future, has been implemented in a new e-bus for the first time today and played out via the AVAS loudspeakers. The winning sound was chosen in May 2022, [&...
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